摘要:Cloud computing is an innovative computing reform that provides computing services without any physical boundaries. The purpose of this study is to present the theoretical understanding about cloud benefits, to explore the applications and issues related to cloud computing in IT and Telecom companies of developing countries. Technology-organisation-environment (TOE) framework is used to present the various technological, organisational and environmental factors to adopt the cloud computing. Qualitative research approach is used to analyse this exploratory phenomenon. Firstly, structured interviews were conducted and recorded with an audio device. Subsequently these interviews were transcribed and classified into nodes with the help of NVIVO software and quotations of the interviewees were used for developing relevant themes of study. Various technological, organisational and environmental factors are identified through qualitative data gathering and presented in the context of TOE framework. This study is helpful for the organizations to understand the critical factors essential for implementing a successful cloud environment
关键词:Computing Services; Cloud Computing; Data Centers; Cloud Issues; Cloud Applications