期刊名称:Acta Geographica Debrecina. Landscape and Environment Series
出版社:University of Debrecen
摘要:A good chance of a socially accepted shore-restoration that is sustainable for the long run stands only, ifall those, concerned in lake-use, are also interested in the ecological interventions, if shore-restorationserves social and economic purposes, as well. In the previous phase of our research, assessments weremade to find the sections of the shore zone that are suitable for restoration: to detect the sites wherethe existing artificial shoreline stabilization works could be removed. So that social demands should beinvolved in the assessment process, to begin with, structured interviews were made. According to theresults, the share of the plots, being suitable or partially suitable for shore-restoration, slightly exceeded7%. The analysis of restoration’s limiting factors has shown that the type of shoreline stabilization, thewidth of zone covered by emergent macrophytes, the extent of human pressures, and the relevant regulationson zoning (fixed in urban plans) together set limits to restoration. The interviews have made it clearthat as a result of the changed demands on recreation-tourism, also the natural and landscape valueshave become more significant.