期刊名称:International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics
出版社:School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
摘要:In this paper, the proposed flip-flop reduces power consumption by reducing theclock switching power that was wasted otherwise. Unlike many other gated flip-flops, theproposed gated flip-flop has state retention property to save power and to switch circuitbetween idle and active modes smoothly. The feedback path is also improved in theproposed flip-flop to decrease power dissipation. The proposed clock-gating scheme onlyrequires 4 transistors, thus occupies the small silicon area. Further, the proposed clock gatingnetwork can be shared among a group of flip-flops to reduce the power and area overheadof the gating network. The simulation results show that for all supply voltages, the proposedflip-flop has the least power dissipation among all the designs for low switching activities.The proposed flip-flop has up to 7.82 times power improvement than the existing flip-flops.However, for 100% data activity, the proposed FF consumes up to 2.71 times power thanthe existing flip-flops. The proposed clock gated flip-flop structure is best suited forapplications where input signal switching activity is low and speed is not a crucial factor