摘要:The Swedish FrameNet++ (SweFN++) project aims at developing an integrated Swedish lexicalmacro-resource to be used primarily in language technology R&D to build natural language processing (NLP)applications. Most of the component resources making up SweFN++ are existing digital lexical resources; intheir case the central project effort is directed at making them interoperable on as many levels as possible. Animportant new resource being created in the project is a Swedish framenet. Now a sister project is starting withthe aim of adding a Swedish constructicon (SweCxn) to the macro-resource. In this paper, we discuss sometheoretical and conceptual issues which have arisen in the course of our work on the SweFN++ and the planningof the SweCxn, in the close encounter between the practical requirements of NLP and the theory and practice oflinguistic – lexical and grammatical – description.
关键词:SALDO; Swedish FrameNet; SweFN; SweFN++; Swedish constructicon; SweCxn; language;technology resources; FrameNet; constructicon; construction grammar; lexical resources