摘要:The present text tries to show three dimensions of the discussion that happens in the context of posmoderno and which they settle down in relation with the impacts that this reflection produces at epistemologic level. In the first place, the nation of connection in posmoderno commented, for it will review the text "Culture and simulacro" y "the perfect crime" of Jean Baudrillard, from where it stood out the concept of 'Implosión' and the book "Theory of posmodernid@d" of Frederic Jameson, of which we will use, to analytical way, the concept of 'envoltura'. Secondly, they will review the analyses conducted to the pictures of Van Gogh (a pair of boots) and of Andy Warhol (diamond dust Shoes) made by Jameson (in "Theory of the posmodernid@d") and Esther Diaz (in "posmodernidad"). In relation to this, it will be introduced, like analysis of the "forgotten other", the picture of Magritte (the red model), that it will look for to produce affinity between this surrealista moment of the shoe-foot and cyborg of Donna Haraway, with the connection posmodern. Finally, thirdly, and dividing of the affinity surrealismo-cyborg, it will be deepened in the epistémics aspects that cyborg contributes to the concept, for it will mainly resort to the book "Science, cyborg and women, of Donna Haraway, in individual to its manifesto cyborg