摘要:The films of Robert Altman are curious, uneven, occasionall y remark able hybrids: th e work of an American director who would like to be 'European': would like, that is, to be an Antonioni or a Fellini exp r essi ng h i msel f n o t th ro u g h t h e elab o rat ed conventions of the Hollywood cinema, but directly, through personal style and an idiosyncratic choice of material. This has led him, at times, to intractably off- beat subject-matter ( Brewster McCloud and Images ) and a resulting pretentiousness. At the same time, he is clearly also preoccupied with America, and with being American. He wants to express his sense of superiority to the commercial Hollywood cinema, so he goes away and makes Images , a defiantly anti-commercial attempt at illusion-and-reality profundity that succeeds merely in being trendy. Yet he also loves the traditional American cinema more than he wants us to believe, and in his best wo rk ack n o wl ed ges h is h eri t ag e t en de rl y an d nostalgically, if perhaps unwittingly