In this report, we present a scalp defect reconstruction with lateral arm free flap. We highlight the difficulty in obtaining a recipient vein and the venous drainage managed through an open end of the donor vein. A 52-year-old woman presented with a pressure sore on the left scalp. A lateral arm free flap was transferred to cover this 8×6 cm defect. The arterial anastomosis was successful, but no recipient vein could be identified within the wound bed. Instead, we used a donor venous end for the direct open venous drainage. In order to keep this exposed venous end patent, we applied heparin-soaked gauze dressing to the wound. Also, the vein end was mechanically dilated and irrigated with heparin solution at two hour intervals. Along with fluid management and blood transfusion, this management was continued for the five days after the operation. The flap survived well without any complication. Through this case, we were able to demonstrate that venous congestion can be avoided by drainage of the venous blood through an open vessel without the use of leeches.