期刊名称:Human Geographies : Journal of Studies and Research in Human Geography
出版社:University of Bucharest
摘要:The present paper studies the spatial distribution of elementary and secondary schools in a particular Hungarian settlement, Debrecen, the second largest city of country. In the course of the analysis factors in.uencing spatial distribution and the differences among certain historical periods are discussed. In the period before World War II location of elementary and secondary schools was in.uenced primarily by religion. Following World War II the increase of the number of inhabitants outside the city centre and especially the construction of new hous ing es tates resulted reg arding elemen tary scho ols in a sig ni.cant decentralization. Urban plans prepared after World War II also regarded spatial decentralisation important in the case of the secondary schools, however, this was realized only in the case of vocational secondary schools and vocational schools. In the period after 1990 the appearance of new institute maintainers can be regarded as a determinant factor and this also resulted in decentralization