摘要:Every day we receive information that reminds us either of our own inevitable death, or of the death of a loved one. For example, while watching a television ad for the Heart & Stroke Foundation, an individual may become increasingly aware of his own mortality if he has a heart condition, or he may become increasingly aware of the possible death of a loved one if the person has chronic heart disease. Previous research has largely focused on thoughts about one's own death, which has been termed mortality salience (Greenberg, Solomon, and Pyszczynski 1997). This paper extends past research by designating the awareness of one's own death as mortality salience of self (MSS), and the awareness of the death of a loved one as mortality salience of a loved one (MSLO). MSS has been researched extensively in psychology, sociology, anthropology, and to a lesser extent, in consumer behaviour (Burke, Marten and Faucher 2010). Among all the mortality salience studies, only a few have explored the effect of MSLO (Greenberg et al. 1994; Davis & McKearney 2003; Bonsu and Belk 2003). In these MSLO studies, it was assumed that MSLO would serve as a reminder of an individual's own mortality; therefore MSLO and MSS should function in a similar manner which will lead to convergent results.