期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies
出版社:TechScience Publications
摘要:Now a days the driver drowsiness is leading cause for major accidents. The regular monitoring of drivers drowsiness is one of the best solution in order to reduce the accidents caused by drowsiness. In order to detect and remove this cause of road accident many driver fatigue detection methods have been proposed.Consequently, it is very necessary to design a road accidents prevention system by detecting driver’s drowsiness, which determines the level of driver inattentiveness and give a warning when an impending danger exists. In this paper, a simulation and analysis of fusion method has done. This method of eye blinking and yawning detection is based on the changes in the mouth geometric features. The programming for this is done in OpenCV using the Haarcascade library for the detection of facial features and Active Contour Method for the activity of lips