期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies
出版社:TechScience Publications
摘要:Inpainting is the technique of modifying an image in an imperceptible form, is a very old fine art itself. The goals and applications of inpainting are frequent from the restoration of damaged paintings and image photographs to the removal or replacement of selected objects. Image Inpainting is the ability of filling in misplaced data in an image. The principle of inpainting is to restructure missing regions in a visually feasible manner so that it seems realistic to the human eye. There have been numerous approaches proposed for the equivalent. In this paper, we present an algorithm that improves and extends a previously proposed algorithm and provides faster inpainting. Using our approach, one can inpaint huge regions i.e. remove an object as well as recover minute portions.
关键词:Image-restoration; Image-inpainting; Object;removal; Super resolution