期刊名称:International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology
出版社:University of the West Indies
摘要:Although eL earning is the use of technology for teaching, learning and assessment, t here is no common approach to it across S outh A frica n H igher E ducation Institutions. T here is therefore a concern that the full potential of eLearning approach is not utilised . Th is paper examines the nature and the extent of e L earning activities in S outh African (SA) universities . The research method employed in this paper was informed by a literature review ; sources from the last decade include journals, conferences, books and websites. The findings show that the level of eLearning usage and adoption varies in different universities due to several challenges such as those of technolog y and institution s . We give an overview of studies conducted in eLearning in SA universities , highlighting challenges and best practices . We r ecommend management involvement of facult ies in policy decisions and invest ment in technological innovations to address these challenges issues
关键词:eLearning ; ; ; eL ; earning C ; hallenges; L ; earning ; M ; anagement ; S ; oftware ; ; ; Social Software