期刊名称:International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology
出版社:University of the West Indies
摘要:This paper is a personal reflection on the de sign, development , and delivery of onli ne synchronous conferencing as a pedagog ical tool complement ing traditional , face - to - face content delivery and learning. The purpose of the paper is to demonstrate how instructors can combine collaborative and virtual learning principles in course design. In p articular, the paper asserts that instructors should take into account relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, and risk attributes of new technolog ies before incorporating them to their courses . Further, it is important to e valuat e organizational support availability such as f inancial resources and managerial support . In realizing team work for course projects that require group interactions, synchronous online conferencing can be very valuable , and even preferable , for students since it overcomes limitations of space, time, and distance . Future research should explore benefits, challenges, and outcomes of synchronous online discussions. Comparisons to implementation and design considerations of " asynchronous " virtual learning e nvironments such as discussion board forums could be beneficial as asynchronous virtual discussions seem to be more commonly used in supplementing traditional course designs
关键词:Collaborati ; on ; ; Synchronous; Online Learning; Teaching ; ; Practice ; ; ; Technology