期刊名称:International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology
出版社:University of the West Indies
摘要:This paper describes a global professional development program called 21 st Century Learning Design (21CLD), which helps teachers design academic lessons that integrate opportunities for students to develop 21 st C entury competencies in a variety of dimensions such as collaboration, knowledge construction, and the powerful use of IC T for learning. The framework and tools of 21CLD are grounded in learning science research, promoting aspects of these dimensions that h ave been shown to tie to deeper learning. The paper highlights the example of Crescent Girls' School in Singapore, which is implementing this program school - wide as a next step on its longstanding journey to leverage ICT for instructional innovation. Criti cal aspects of the school's supportive ecosystem include a clear and consistent vision for teaching and learning, strong teacher ownership and a common language of discourse, distributed leadership, and the use of ICT to support teacher professional develo pment and lesson design. The paper describes results for teaching and learning through a Communi cative Arts lesson that leverages place - based IC T tools for student knowledge construction. Although Crescent Girls' School is unusually well resourced and has a strong history of ICT use for learning, this case offers lessons that apply equally well for earlier - stage explorations into ICT
关键词:21 ; st ; ; Century Learning; Lesson D ; esign; ; ICT for L ; earning ; ; ; ; Teacher Professional ; D ; evelopment; ; ; School Support ; Structures; D ; istributed ; L ; eadership