摘要:Ruy Duarte de Carvalho was a great representative of the Angolan literature, however, its impo rtance has been lit tle evident. In t his sense, this work aims to reduce the gap on the reco gnit ion of it s place among the current African aut hors. Thereby, we will make a brief demo nstratio n of his work, which was based on research carried out for him wit h a Namib desert so ciet y, Kuvale. Fo r Ruy Duart e, space transcend s the limit s of physical reality, since it is also the place o f creat ion and fict ion. To the other (Kuvale) that space (liv ing) seems to represent the extensio n of life itself, since that belonging relat ionship you can see the establishment o f a collect ive bargaining agreement between the subjects and the p lace. Ruy Du art e co mmit ted much of his life in the study of these relatio ns, propo sing to go live wit h them. The trip, speech and poetry were t he vehicles used to express that experience gave him. Therefore, these issues also guide the develop ment of this work.
关键词:Ruy Duarte de Carvalho . Travel. Space. Autofiction. Poetry