摘要:What is the import ance of oral narratives in building the history of a place. To research co nduct ed at the Cent er district of Paragominas-PA, t hrough o ral narratives of it s resident s, it intends to analyze t he pioneer immigrant role in the historical build ing o f the cit y. Mo re specifically, the analysis of oral narratives t old by them, seek to discuss ho w these narratives may contain histo rical element s that become impo rtant and capable of being registered under the official historical stud ies. And in this regard, it is clear that in historical and o fficial studies, oral narrat ives lo se their relevant characters in the records, but must take into account that also narrated memories are historical fo rms, as well as essential practices in any societ y; able to bond, records, bu ilding co llect ive identities and reaffirm the membership itself in the new cho sen place.