摘要:Sports-related training camps constitute a very dynamically growingbranch of sports tourism. The aim of this paper is to examine training camps in thecase of a Central European city, Debrecen, one of the most important settlements ofHungary in terms of sports, which hosted several sporting events of internationalsignificance in the past decade. There is a significant fluctuation in the number oftraining camps held, which is related to the economic crisis, preparation for theOlympics, as well as problems in public administration. As far as branches of sportsare concerned, team sports play an outstanding role; in addition, swimming couldalso be highlighted. Regarding the timing of training camps the months of February,July and August play the most important role and distribution is closely linked to thenature of the individual branches of sports. Analysing the factors influencingcountries of participants, geographical proximity plays a major role; besides theimportance of personal connections could be mentioned.
关键词:training camps; branches of sport; monthly distribution; Debrecen