出版社:International Association for Computer Information Systems
摘要:The use of Social Network Sites has seen tremendous growth in the past years and gained attention and interests from industries . However, with m any types of SNS sites available, what factors impact people's choice of SNS and their usage are still not clear. This uncertainty could misguide industries' strategies in SNS and causes wastes and failures in their SNS management . While the extant literature find s factors that influence people's usage of SNS, most of them only focus on one or two aspects. T his research however proposes a comprehen sive research model that investigate s three major categories of factors , namely personal, interpersonal, and cultural that have impact s on both SNS choice an d SNS usage systematically . Seven propositions are given to delineate the relationships between the se factors and SNS choice and usage . This research shed s lights on research of SNS and makes a good foundation for future empirical research in this regard.
关键词:Social Network Sites; ; Social Media; ; Personality; ; Interpersonal; Cultural ; ; Choice; U ; sage