出版社:International Association for Computer Information Systems
摘要:University i nformation technology programming courses require the use of an integrat ed developm ent environment such as Microsoft Visual Studio and often other additional software such as a database system or middleware in order to compl ete programming assignments . Students prefer to have the flexibility of perform ing programming tasks on their own PCs at times convenient to them instead of using universit y lab computers that have the required software . This requires students to download and install the various pieces of software needed for the course onto their own computers . Students can experience complex installation problems , compatibility issues with university computer s, and compatibility issues when integrating multiple pieces of software together on team projects. To avoid these type of problems students need to have a software development environment where all the sof tware components and operating system s are exactly at the same version level as the university lab releases . This will provide a stable and compatible plat form for programming, and allow student s to focus their full efforts on course programming assignments . This paper proposes that the most effective environment to solv e these problems is to use virtual machines hosted on university servers that have a n approved and tested software configuration to support specific course requirements .
关键词:Virtualization; Virtual Machines; E ; ducational ; T ; echnology ; ; ; University IT ; ; Information Technology