出版社:International Association for Computer Information Systems
摘要:With the advent of the Inter net, the ability to retrieve and use information has become ubiquitous, but the amount of information available has also grown exponentially. This information growth has caused information overload for users trying to sift through the information to find the best options that will meet their needs, thus recommendation systems were developed. The current recommendation systems are rudimentary in function and are basically able to provide suggestions for sim ilar products, local restaurants and hotels, or po int - of - interest locations. The future of the recommendation systems, including mobility, will be able to take user behavior and contextual information to make better and more precise suggest ions. The new system will be able to protect the user's privacy and personal information along with seamlessly communicating with each other through standardization. This paper will provide current literature research along with the problems and probable solutions to the mobile recommender systems industry
关键词:Mobile Recommender Systems; Mobile Information Systems; Mobile Searches; Mobile GPS; Mobile ; GIS; Mobile Search Engines; Mobile Location Searches