期刊名称:Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education
出版社:Pamukkale Univ Dept Sci Education
摘要:The purpose of this research is to examine theimpact of a Standards-based elementary mathematics curriculum on third gradestudents’ mathematics performance. A total of 707 students participated in thisstudy. Of this total, 368 students were from eight schools located within thesame school district in a racially and ethnically diverse large city in theMidwest. Another 339 of the students were from four schools located in twodifferent school districts in a middle- to high-SES, largely white, suburban areain the Northeast. Third grade students using Investigations curriculumoutperformed in most cases and performed the same in the other cases matchedcomparison groups who were using a range of conventional curricula on themathematics assessment. The Investigations groups did the same or betteron the decontextualized, contextualized, and algebraic-reasoning constellationscompared with their counterparts. The revised Investigations curriculumwas not as effective with the low SES African-American students as it was formiddle to high SES, white students. The curriculum fidelity measures did notdifferentiate achievement differences.