期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies
出版社:TechScience Publications
摘要:The most common view of any construction site today is a set of scaffolds margined around the walls of the buildings with laborers hanging around those scaffolds struggling to reach here and there with a full stretch of their body. Seems quite funny at times, but if we look carefully, it may result into grave consequences. Also most of the times the surrounding environments are so unhealthy that it’s almost an unbearable situation for the workers, forcing them either to quit or to welcome some deadly consequences to their health. The autonomous wall painting robot (Wall-E) developed is a silver lining to all the problems discussed above. Also these problems make wall painting an ideal candidate to enjoy the pleasure of technological world and get automated by various advanced features available today as a hybrid of hardware and software, and exempt human beings from surviving such atrocities. The autonomous wall painting robot (named Wall- E) developed can perform the entire task judiciously, quickly, efficiently and even effectively as compared to humans. The robot will move in all four directions (top, down, left, right) with the help of belts with which we attach the robot and the belt will be controlled by the motor. This motor will be responsible for the rotation (powered by a suitable source) of the belt. The robot basically will be controlled by the Bluetooth signals being sent from the android application. So, the user will have the signal control through a standard android application. The nozzle attached will do the rest, will spray paint the subject wall within given contours as directed by the user.
关键词:Arduino [1]; processing IDE [5]; Arduino IDE [4];IC L298 [3]; android