期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies
出版社:TechScience Publications
摘要:Cloud computing is evolving technology in which pool of resources are provided as services. Resource provisioning in cloud computing achieves systematic services on client registration using services present in cloud computing. In resources provisioning there is tremendous query formation for each client for utilizing their resources i.e. memory utilization, CPU utilization, and other resources are utilizing capabilities in cloud computing. For resource provisioning in cloud two popular mechanisms are reservation and on-demand plan services. According to the cost estimation process of the cloud services there is challenging task in optimization of capacity utilization in deploying virtual machine placement. In this paper, we suggest an optimal virtual machine placement algorithm to implement optimized resource provisioning operations. The proposed OVMP algorithm makes a decision process on cloud service provider with consistent stochastic integer programming to dedicate resources from cloud service providers. These service professional accepts the cloud computing services with resource provisioning with suitable services. Our experimental results show the minimized budgets with provisioning resources in emerging cloud computing environments