期刊名称:Advances in Environmental Sciences - International Journal of the Bioflux Society
摘要:The s eagrass is important for a variety of ecological functions. The study site has no previous assessment on seagrass . The study was employed through a purposive sampling along intertidal coastline of Paligue, Hagonoy , Davao del Sur , Philippines . A total of ten transects (100 meter length each ) were installed with an interval of at least 50 meters apart . E ach transect consisted of 20 (1 m x 1 m) quadrats. The sampling effort was highly adequate as revealed in species accumulation plot. Seven (7) s pecies of seagrasses were identified as part of inventory. Diversity indices of s pecies richness , abundance, dominance, evenness, Shannon diversity and per cent cover of seagrass were determined. The spatial structure showed three maj or groupings at 60% Bray - Curtis similarity. The three groups were di splayed in the cluster dendrogram and plotted in the non - metric multidimensional scaling. The groupings were influenced by dominant species of seagrass. The study is the first attempt to assess and charaterize the spatial structure which may be important in the coastal manag e ment of seagrass
关键词:seagrass ; diversity ; ; ; species ; accumulation plot ; ; ; ; cluster ; analysis; Bray ; - ; Curtis similarity; ; ; Hagonoy; Davao del Sur