摘要:T he quest for diversity is reliant on the successfu l implementation of employment equity pa rticula rly in the institutions of higher educa tion. South Africa is a diverse nation and that should be replicated in all societal settings. However, the composition of sta ff in higher educa tion institution fails to reflect the demographic rea lities of South Africa . As a result, Blac k people a nd women are still severely under-re pr esented, especially in senior ac ademic mana ge me nt positions. Q uantitative rese arch me thods w ere employe d to collect data in the Un iversity of Pr etoria, U niver sity of Witwa tersra nd, a nd Fre e State Univer sity fr om the a ca demic ma na gers. The stu dy explored the k ey dete rminants of employment equity namely, institutional ethics, ca reer advancement w ithin the employment equity developments. T he findings showed that ther e a re positive a spects w ithin employmen t equity which u niver sities could e xploit in order to esta blish diversity.
关键词:Equity. Affirma tive A ction. Dive rsity. Transfor ma tion. Social Justice