摘要:Current study was aimed to find overa ll prevalence of bullying, victimiza tion a nd fighting behavior among 836 sixth graders (M = 12, SD= 1.20) a nd specifically in context of socio-economic status, type of schools and, gender in Pa kista n. D ata were collected from 16 private a nd public schools using Illinois Bullying Scale (Urdu tr ansla tion) a long with demogra phic form. Findings re vealed 19 .6% - 24. 1% pr evalenc e a mong sixth gra der s ge ner ally a nd 20.9% - 21 .8% among children of low socio-economic sta tus a nd, 22.7% - 2 3.6% among ave rage socio-economic status specifically. Furthermore, prevalence among private and public school children ranged from 20.4% - 23.8% and 19.1% - 24.9% respectively. Children of public schools were found more involved in bullying, fighting and victimizing others a s compared to pr ivate school children. Gender -wise prevalenc e has b een found a s 22%- 24.9% in boys and 22% in girls. Boys were engaged in more bullying, victimization and fighting than girls.
关键词:Sc hools ; . ; ; Pa kista n. Cultura l Context. Bullying