摘要:T his pa pe r explores how two sc hools, located in a poverty-stricken community, have taken different directions in terms of lea rner achievement. There is a general agreement among scholars that principals' lea dership pla ys a pivotal role in ensuring high lear ner achievements. To obtain insights about how the two sch ools diffe red so distinctly, a small sca le research located within a qualitative ca se study paradigm was conducted. Semi-structured inte rviews w ere c onducted with the pr inc ipa ls, hea ds of depa rtments, tea che rs a nd pa re nts. Instr uctiona l a nd invita tiona l lea dership theories were use d as theoretical fra mework. The findings suggest that the d ifferences in lear ne r a chievement cou ld be attributed to the conditions w ithin the schools. T he findings confir m the cur rent pro positions tha t lea de rship pla ys a promine nt r ole in sha ping a nd sustaining sc hool culture s tha t p rom ote effective tea ching and lear ning.
关键词:Instructional Lea dership. E ntropic Cultu re. L earner A chievement. O rga nisa tional Culture