摘要:The polic y of Inclusive Educa tion (IE) in White Pa per 6 (2001 ) acknowledges that all children can lea rn with support, a nd this paper emanates from research into the experiences of learning support tea chers (LSTs) in supporting Founda tion Phase teachers in implementing IE in G auteng Pr ovinc e, South Africa . It is envisa ged that the impleme ntation of IE in South African schools would require well-planned district as well a s school level support services, more tha n just a ccepting learners with different learning needs in ma instrea m cla ssrooms. M any tea chers ha ve not had the benefit of being tra ined to teach lea rners who experience ba rriers to learning, hence most find it difficult. Although specialist teachers in the form of LSTs have been employed in the Founda tion Phase to fill that gap a nd assist cla ssroom tea chers, the learners may not be receiving the assistance that they are hoping for. Based on a n a ssumption that the failings may la rgely be systemic, the au thors use d Bronfer br enner 's ecologic al syste ms theory a nd a qua lita tive re sear ch design to exa mine the imple me ntation of IE in sele cte d sc hools, w ith se ve n LSTs being inter viewed and observed, w hile doc uments perta ining to the support r ender ed were a nalyze d. Analysis employed Creswell's method. Findings highlighted factors affecting impleme ntation of IE, which include inadequate district support, socio-cultural issues, cla ssroom and mana gement factors, lack of resour ces and inadequate collabora tion betw een the stake holders. The study ma kes recommenda tions and suggests further area s o f resea rch.
关键词:Colla bora tion. Barriers to Lea rning. Adequate Support. Inclusive Classrooms