摘要:An ec onom ic pe rsp ec tive on small busine ss soc ial re sp onsibility applies ec onomic theory to the a nalysis of the role of bu siness in society. The objective is to ca rve a pla ce for the c oncept bu sin ess soc ial responsibility - BSR in economics given that some economists have opposed it. In this a rticle the researchers delve into economic theory to explain the workings of the market forces to determine the extent to which the so ca lled inv isible hand helps society solve its economic problem and when it fa ils to do so. A deta iled literature review w as conducte d. Ba sed on the insights gained from the litera ture a na lysis, they conclude tha t the concept of BSR arises out of the failur e of the inv isible hand to entirely solve society's economic problem of scarc ity through efficient produc tion a nd distribution. Thus, BSR has a firm pla ce in norma tive economic s.
关键词:Invisible H a nd. Ma rk et Fa ilur e. E xte rna lities. Public G oods. Positive Ec onomic s. Norma tive ; E cono mics