摘要:I n this a rtic le the impact of pove rty on the cognitive development of the gir l child in Masvingo province, Z imba bwe, is exa mined. The ma jority of the people in Zimba bwe ha ve endured a dversity since 1990. In addition, the number of girl children living in poverty is continually esca lating and is becoming a major issue due to sca rcity of resources. This negatively impacts the schooling of many girl children in Zimbabwe. Even though the Millennium D evelopme nt Goa l numbe r one (1) a ims a t er adicating pove rty a nd hunger by 20 15, girl c hildre n continue to be fa ce d w ith ma ny psyc ho-so cial cha lle nges th at ar e somehow pe rpe tu ate d by the rising T ota l Consumption Poverty Line (TCPL ) in Zimba bwe. A qua litative approa ch wa s used with focus group discus sions, interviews a nd obse rvations a s da ta colle ction instruments for fifteen (15) gir l childr en a nd six ( 6 ) tea chers in Masvingo pr ovince. The study esta blished tha t girls' cognitive developme nt is a ffected by hou sehold c hores/child la bour, financial constra ints, and early marriages, lack of food, health issues a nd sa nitary wear, long distance to and from school, stigmatisa tion a nd marginalisa tion. T his study recommends the sustainable development of both rura l and urban communities. Collaborative work is also neede d among Zimbabweans and stakeholders in revisiting the root ca uses of poverty.
关键词:Pove rty. H indrance. Cognitive D evelopment. Girl Child. Collaborative Work