摘要:T his r esea r ch a ime d a t investiga ting the lega l f ra mew ork f or the impleme nta tion of Pa r ental Involvement (PI) progra mmes a nd school gove rnors' a nd ma nage rs' under sta nding of the legal documents. A sur vey design wa s u se d to ga ther da ta on th e bio gra phic in forma tion, le ga l sta tutes and pe rce ption s of the re spondents towa rds PI by me ans of a qu estionna ire consisting of twenty-four pre -coded response items. The co mbined r esponse s of f ifty-o ne edu ca tion ma nag ers a nd f orty-seve n school gov ern ors (9 8) indica ted tha t pa rticipa nts w ere cogniza nt of the lega l enga gement of pa rents in the deliver y of educa tion and the resulta nt impa ct it c ould ha ve on school pe rforma nce. T he r esea rch also re ve aled tha t citiz en pa rticipation a dopted by schools within the Tota l Q uality Management (T QM) philosophy enha nces the a vailability of educational resources and the quality of service delivery. Significa nt, though, was the failure of educationally sound school governors, to hir e a nd fire personnel although ma nda tor y. E mpow erment work shops wer e r ecommended for both sta keholder groups.
关键词:Decentra lisation. Education Managers. Participation. School G overnors. Total Qua lity Management