摘要:This paper examines factors affecting farmers’ participation in agricultural projects in Zululand district, KwaZulu Natal Province, South Africa. Three municipalities were randomly selected from five and 30 farmers were randomly selected from each municipality to give a sample size of 90. Data were collected using structured questionnaire and analyzed using frequency count, percentages and probit regression model. The results show that majority of the farmers were above 60 years of age, had no formal education, belonged to male headed households, had farm sizes less than10 ha. Farmers were favourably disposed to participation, while unavailability of land, lack of funds and limited resources were major constraints against participation. Significant determinants of participation are attitude (t =3.041), effectiveness of Land Care (t = -2.111), age (t = 0.64), gender (t = -2.93), livestock enterprise (t= 2.408), crop enterprise (2.568) and income (t = -2.461).
关键词:Participation. Attitude. Agriculture. Effectiveness. Land Redistribution. Micro- Finance Programme