摘要:A ssessme nt pra ctice s a nd systems pla yed a c ritica l role in mainta ining the oppre ssive a pa rthe id polic ies and e ntrenching inequa lity a t different levels in the South A frican education system. T he c ha nge s in the educ ation system a fte r the 1994 elec tions brought hope and the promise of a fair asse ssment dispensa tion for lea rners and tea chers. However, today a ssessment remains a contentious issue despite the Government's efforts to tra nsfor m the edu ca tion syste m, e spe cia lly since na tio nal a nd inter na tiona l ben chma rk tests indica te poor achievement in numera cy and litera cy by South Africa n learners. The question can therefore rightly be asked: Who or wha t controls the assessment policy agenda in South Africa , a nd what are the consequences a nd pos sibilitie s. This a rticle offers an a nalysis of e duca tiona l a ssessment policies in schools. T he tension between the c entralising a nd de centra lising forc es is becoming more a ppa re nt in the wa y tha t the administra tion of the cur ric u lu m is operationalised; this a rticle examines this tension. It is argued that the pendulum is rapidly swinging towa rds greater centralisation. Assessment, as media ted by policy in South Africa, has become prima rily an instrument of managerial accounta bility and an indicator of systemic efficiency. The cha llenge of emphasising qua lity teaching and lea rning in assessment policy seems to be embedded in initia tives that ca n reconcile c entralisation and a ccou nta bility, on the one ha nd, with dec entra lisa tion and support for tea ching, on the other.
关键词:Assessment. Policy. Centr alisation. De centra lisa tion. Schools. South Africa