摘要:The a im of this resea rch was to determine the perceptions of educators in rela tion to a school culture which c ould support or hinder tea cher lea dership. A tota l number of 283 educators from schools in the E den and Centr al Ka roo Educa tion District of the Western Cape Province in South A fr ica pa rticipate d in the study. Tw o instruments we re used to de termine educa tor s' per ceptions of differe nt aspects in the sc hool context tha t ma y impac t on tea cher lea de rship pra ctic es. T he results indica te d tha t a lthou gh e duca tor s pe rce ive d thei r school cultures a s hea lthy for the emergence and nurtura nce of teacher lea dership practices, lacking open communication, pa rtic ipation a nd collegiality ma y hinde r the e mer gence a nd enha nce ment of tea c her lea de rship. E duc a tors indica ted tha t they e xperience bar riers to tea che r lea der ship. A significa nt diffe rence wa s found be tw een the barriers to tea che r lea de rship perceptions held by district officials and other educa tors. No signi ficant differences were found betwe en educator types on a variety of dimensions of a hea lthy school culture for tea cher leadership
关键词:Distributed Leadership. School Culture. Barriers to Teac her Leadership. Professional D evelopment. ; School Im prove ment