摘要:This paper mea sured the Council for Economic Education's Training of Teachers project's effectiveness in secondary schools in the Free Sta te Province by evaluating teachers understanding a nd attitude towa rd economics educa tion. The author employed a ra ndomization of ec onomics tea chers acr oss tre atment and control g roups at two sepa ra te sta ges of the r esea rch design. A pre test-postte st de sign, with matched exper ime ntal (n=1 24) a nd control (n=1 24) groups, was constructed beca use of its resistance to common threats to interna l va lidity. Re sults indica ted tha t th e T ra ining of T ea che rs ( ToT ) proje ct sho wed im prove ment scor es of pa rticipa nts' Te st of Ec onomic Litera cy (T EL) scores by a pproxima tely 10 .73 per cent, which indica te d gr ea ter ga ins in econ omic unde rsta nding. Fu rthermor e, the ToT pa rticipants' showed positive attitude towa rds the subjec t compa red to te achers who did not participa te in project in Fre e Sta te secondar y schools. T his result indicates that a dditional researc h is needed to determine the cost-effectiveness of tea che r training versus curriculum deliver y.
关键词:T raining of Tea chers Project. Economics E du ca tion. Test of E conomic Liter acy (T EL). Pretest- ; Posttest D esign