摘要:This pa per investigated the perceptions of users towards library services of the North-West University Library at Mafikeng Campus. D ata were collected by means of a questionnaire administered to students a nd staff in five fa culties of the University. A sa mple of 150 students and 150 members of staff were used. The library services that were indicated in the questionna ire were those tha t impa ct on customer care such as circulations, information servic es, colle ction de ve lopment, media and specia l collections a nd information acc ess. The questionna ire wa s subjected to face va lidation and had a reliability coefficient of 0.88 using a split-half technique.T he findings showed that the majority of students (males and females) were under the a ge of 30 yea rs, engaged in undergra duate studies on full time basis in the va rious faculties. Members of sta ff wer e mostly a dults with Ma sters and Ph Ds with work experience of one to forty yea rs. The results also showe d tha t both staff a nd stu dents' perceptions of the libra ry services were nega tive due to perceived la ck of resources (books and journals), lack of training on libra ry use, e- resources and incompetent staff. Significa nt differ ence existed in the constra ints to information a cce ss (t= 2.344 p<0.05 ) be twe en sta ff a nd stude nts. This study, therefore , suggested the introduc tion of use r friendly r etrie va l system a nd timely a cquisition of mate ria ls for staff a nd students in order to cha nge the mixed perce ptions about library services.
关键词:Attitude. Libra ry Ser vices. Student. Staff. South Africa