摘要:T his paper examined the Socio-economic needs for community de velopment in selected villa ge s of Molopo Loca l Municipality of North-West Province South Africa . Using a stratified random sa mpling technique 178 household heads were selected from a population of 561 households. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data on demographics, income and expenditure, employment, household resources, food security, marketing, training and socio-economic needs of the community. The data was a na lyze d by SPSS c omputer progra mme using freque ncy counts a nd percenta ges. The results shows that majority (57 percent) of the household heads were females, 69 percent fall w ithin the economica lly active group 53 percent ha d no forma l edu cation, 67.9 percent survive by means of Government social grants and a bout 50 percent of the household hea ds earn below R1000 per month. Other results on the distribution of ma jor occupations of the hea ds of the households were: gardening (62 percent) , clea ning (32 perc ent) , c ivil se rvic e (1 0.3 perce nt), fa rming (6. 7 per cent) and me chanic/petrol a ttenda nt (3.5 per c ent). The majority (56 percent) will like to engage in agricultural related ventures (vegetable production (21 percent), livestock production (21 percent) and poultry production (14 percent) in order to improve their income and livelihood. T here is nee d to impleme nt a ppropriate commu nity development and empow erme nt progr ammes tha t c an cr ea te a n environment where the people ca n meet their basic needs a nd improve quality of their life. It is recommended that emphasis should not only be on the development of basic infrastructure, but a lso on income generating activities and educa tion services a imed at breaking the cycle of poverty in the study area .
关键词:Socio-economic. N eeds. ; ; Community D eve lopme nt. N orth-We st Province. South Africa