摘要:This study examined the compatibility of the Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria (CRIN) recommended fungicide use rate with profit maximization objective of Nigerian cocoa farmers. To achieve this research objective, a cross- sectional survey of cocoa farmers in four Local Government areas (LGAs) each in Osun and Ondo states was carried out. A three stage sampling procedure was adopted in selecting the respondents. A decision theoretic approach and the OLS regression method were used to analyze the data collected. The results indicated that (i) expected crop loss should be taken into account when deciding on the amount of fungicides to apply in the study area and (ii) the use rate recommended by CRIN could not be used in all situations – it is better used when the probability of large expected crop loss is extremely high (80%) var currentpos,timer; function initialize() { timer=setInterval("scrollwindow()",10);} function sc(){clearInterval(timer); }function scrollwindow() { currentpos=document.body.scrollTop; window.scroll(0,++currentpos); if (currentpos != document.body.scrollTop) sc();} document.onmousedown=scdocument.ondblclick=initialize A. A. TIJANI 166 because of their effectiveness (although in many cases this diminishes over time), their relative long shelf life (when properly stored), and the ease with which they can be transported, stored and applied. They were available at inexpensive (subsidised) prices especially before the inception of Structural Adjustment Programme in Nigeria. For example, Eguagie (1974) and Idachaba and Olayide (1976) have indicated a possible loss in yields of between 50 and 70% in cocoa production if no chemical control measures were applied. The non-popularity of biopesticides in addition to the absence of truly resistant cultivars make the use of synthetic pesticides in controlling black pod disease inevitable, hence fungicides are still being used to control it. The fact that both black pod and cocoa thrive under the same climatic conditions (fairly high rainfall and fairly high humidity) suggests greater efforts at abating pod damage due to black pod through (increased) pesticide application. On the basis of this, it can be asserted, as did Aina (1992), that Nigerian farmers will continue to rely heavily on pesticides at least throughout our generation and pesticides will remain our first line of defense against pests and diseases when damage levels reach economic threshold. Various suggestions have been made in respect of the application of fungicides against black pod. Opeke (1987) suggests that spraying should be started very early in the season and application repeated every three weeks until rains ceased. Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria (CRIN) also recommends fixed quantities of spraying materials per season 1 . In these two cases, spraying is expected to prevent the development of the disease 1 . However, Thorold (1959) suggests that spraying should be practiced when the potential yield is twelve or more pods per tree. The foregoing pre-supposes that chemical control of black pod is feasible, acceptable and desirable, that is, technically possible, practically feasible, environmentally acceptable, economi- cally desirable and politically advantageous (Norton, 1993). However, economic desirability appears questionable in the face of escalating costs of agricultural inputs since the inception of SAP. This is particularly relevant to chemicals that are largely imported, into Nigeria. Over 95 percent of agrochemicals used in Nigeria are usually imported, mainly as finished prepacked products (Ikemefuna, 1998). The relevant question as this juncture is that: If the CRIN recommendations were followed, would cocoa farmers be maximizing (expected) profit (utility) under SAP. Given the aforementioned situation, the objective of this study is to determine the compatibility of recommended fungicide use rate with profit maximization objective of Nigerian cocoa farmers. AREA OF STUDY The study was conducted in Osun and Ondo States of Nigeria. The choice of these states is premised on two factors (i) the two states jointly constitute the largest cocoa producing states in Nigeria; In 1971/72, for example these states produce 74.1% of cocoa gradings in western cocoa zone (Agboola, 1979) and (ii) the incidence of black pod disease is most prevalent in these states. DATA AND THEIR SOURCES Primary and secondary data were used for this study. The primary were sourced from cross- sectional survey of cocoa farmers in four Local Government Areas (LGAs) each in Osun and Ondo States in the last quarter of 1997. Information was collected on the socio-economic characteristics of the farmers, the diseases afflicting cocoa on the farm, disease control practices, output of cocoa beans per hectare, varieties of cocoa grown; fungicide and application cost and other inputs costs. A three-stage sampling procedure was adopted in collecting the primary data. At the first stage the LGAs were selected, then five villages were selected from each of the LGAs, that is, a total of 20 villages were selected per state. At the final stage, eight farmers were selected from each chosen village, thus totaling 160 respondents per state. Information was obtained from each farmer with the aid of a pre-tested structured question- naire administered by the author with the assistance of trained enumerators 2 . Secondary data were obtained through personal interview and official records from the Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria (CRIN) and Ministry of Agriculture in Osun and Ondo States.
关键词:Profitability; fungicide use rate; decision theoretic model; cocoa