摘要:Considerable numbers of studies have been conducted on various technologies. However, adoption and intensity of adoption on malt- barley technology has not been carried out in the country. Production of commercial crops could give adequate yields if it is supported with improved technologies and suggested packages. The focus of study was examining determinants of adoption of malt-barley technology in Debark and Wogera districts of North Gondar. The sample size of the study was 120 respondent farmers. Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected from primary and secondary sources. Interview schedules, focused group discussions, key informant interviews, and personal observations were the major data collection methods. Descriptive statistics, inferential tests and Tobit econometric model were administered for analysis. The result explained that education, access to improved seed and training affected adoption of malt-barley technology positively and significantly while social status of household heads influenced the technology significantly but negatively. Even though majority of adopters had better adoption indices, the technology couldn’t disseminate in large number of beneficiaries and potential producing areas. As a result, the rate of adoption was low and slow. Therefore, this study suggested that farmers should be exposed to training and access to improved seed.