摘要:Generally Teaching is delivered by a teacher to enhance the amount of learning of a learner. To make learning more meaningful, understandable and fruitful to a learner, effectiveness of teaching delivered by a teacher is very essential condition. This concept of teaching-learning process is not exceptional one in case of teacher training institutions. Through the present study an attempt has been made by the investigators to study the level of Teaching Effectiveness of Teacher Educators who are working in different Govt.-aided and Private-unaided/Self-Financed B.Ed Colleges in West Bengal. The investigators have used Descriptive Survey method for the present study. In this study, Teaching Effectiveness of Teacher Educators has been evaluated by their concerned students. The sample consists of 151 B.Ed College Student-Teachers out of which 57 Student-Teachers taken from three Govt.-aided B.Ed colleges and 94 Student-Teachers taken from four Private-unaided/Self-Financed B.Ed Colleges. The random sampling technique has been used for the selection of sample. The investigators have developed a Scale by themselves to measure the level of Teaching Effectiveness of Teacher Educators on the basis of Likert’s five point scale i. e. Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree and Strongly Disagree. For the analysis of data Mean, S.D., t-Test and Graph have been used by the investigators in the present study. The overall results of the study explore that the level of Teaching delivered by the B.Ed College Teacher Educators is Moderately Effective. It is also revealed that Teaching Effectiveness of Govt.-aided B.Ed College Teacher Educators is comparatively better than that of the Teacher Educators who are working in different Private-unaided/Self Financed B.Ed Colleges in West Bengal. It is also explored that Govt.-aided and Self-Financed B.Ed College Teacher Educators differ significantly with respect to their Teaching Effectiveness and on most of the dimensions of Teaching Effectiveness, namely Subject Mastery, Presentation Style, Motivational Strategy, Effective Communication, Student-Teacher Interaction, Informal Academic Support and Personal Attribute.