出版社:Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
摘要:The circuit modeling of interdigitated capacitors fabricated by high-k low-temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC) sheets was investigated. The s-parameters of each test structure were measured from 50 MHz to 10 GHz, and the modeling was performed using these measured sparameters up to the first resonant frequency. Each test structure was divided into appropriate building blocks. The equivalent circuit of each building block was composed based on the partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC) method. Modeling was executed to optimize the parameters in the equivalent circuit of each building block. The validity of the extracted parameters was verified by the predictive modeling for the test structures with different geometry. After that, Monte Carlo analysis and sensitivity analysis were performed based on the extracted parameters. The modeling methodology can allow a device designer to improve the yield and to save time and cost for the design and manufacturing of devices.