摘要:Habitualment les paradoxes són caracteritzades com a enunciats aparentment falsos recolzats per arguments aparentment bons que parteixen de premisses que la majoria de la gent consideraria trivialment vertaderes. Aquest article ofereix una visió panoràmica de tres perspectives contemporànies de les paradoxes. Segons la concepció epistèmica, les paradoxes juguen un paper crucial en el desenvolupament de la ciència i mai no constitueixen proves correctes d’enunciats falsos. D’acord amb la concepció dialetheista, la conclusió d’alguns raonaments paradoxals és alhora vertadera i falsa, havent-hi, per tant, algunes contradiccions vertaderes (i falses). Finalment, la concepció mística entén les paradoxes recalcitrants (antinòmies) com a problemes irresolubles que mostren els límits del pensament humà. La darrera secció de l’article discuteix les paradoxes d’autoreferència, una família de paradoxes que comparteixen certs trets estructurals i que han tingut un impacte profund en el desenvolupament de la ciència al llarg del segle xx. Paraules clau: paradoxa, paradoxa verídica, paradoxa falsídica, antinòmia, dialetheisme, autoreferència, circularitat, inclosure.↓A paradox is usually described as an apparently false statement supported by an apparently good argument which departs from premises that most people would find trivially true. This survey article presents a brief overview of three different contemporary perspectives on paradoxes. According to the epistemic view, paradoxes play a crucial role in the progress of science and cannot be regarded as sound proofs of a false statement. According to the dialetheist view, the conclusion of some paradoxical reasonings is both, true and false, what means that there must be some true (and false) contradictions. Finally, the mystic view understands recalcitrant paradoxes (antinomies) as unsolvable problems which show the limits of human thought and cognition. The last section of this paper focuses on the paradoxes of self-reference, a family of paradoxes (sharing some structural features) which have had a deep impact in the development of science during the twentieth century.
其他摘要:A paradox is usually described as an apparently false statement supported by an apparently good argument which departs from premises that most people would find trivially true. This survey article presents a brief overview of three different contemporary perspectives on paradoxes. According to the epistemic view, paradoxes play a crucial role in the progress of science and cannot be regarded as sound proofs of a false statement. According to the dialetheist view, the conclusion of some paradoxical reasonings is both, true and false, what means that there must be some true (and false) contradictions. Finally, the mystic view understands recalcitrant paradoxes (antinomies) as unsolvable problems which show the limits of human thought and cognition. The last section of this paper focuses on the paradoxes of self-reference, a family of paradoxes (sharing some structural features) which have had a deep impact in the development of science during the twentieth century. Keywords: paradox, veridic paradox, falsidic paradox, antinomy, dialetheism, selfreference, circularity, inclosure schema.