摘要:This paper analyzes the role of Information Technology (IT) in the integration processes in horizontal mergers and acquisitions. According to conventional wisdom, a rapid integration of IT systems would facilitate the integration process of the acquired and acquired companies. However, the results of our case studies show that a rapid unification of IT systems is not always the best option. En concreto, se pone de manifiesto cómo, dependiendo sobre todo del grado de introducción de las TIC en las dos empresas, adquiriente y adquirida, una velocidad de integración más baja podría resultar, a veces, incluso más aconsejable
其他摘要:This paper analyzes the role of Information Technology (IT) in the integration processes in horizontal mergers and acquisitions. According to conventional wisdom, a rapid integration of IT systems would facilitate the integration process of the acquired and acquired companies. However, the results of our case studies show that a rapid unification of IT systems is not always the best option. En concreto, se pone de manifiesto cómo, dependiendo sobre todo del grado de introducción de las TIC en las dos empresas, adquiriente y adquirida, una velocidad de integración más baja podría resultar, a veces, incluso más aconsejable