期刊名称:Journal of Materials and Environmental Science
出版社:University of Mohammed Premier Oujda
摘要:In this work we are interested in the physical, chemical and radiological characterization of Ion Exchange Resins (IER) (MBD-15). These are polymeric beads used in the purification of nuclear reactor water circuits. The physicochemical characterization o f the latter is to determine the moisture content and the adsorbed metal elements, and to study the evolution of pH and conductivity as a function of the stirring time. As for the radiological characterization involves the quantification and identification of radionuclides adsorbed by the resin. The results obtained show that the studied resin has moisture content in the vicinity of 63.07%, the presence of some metal ions such as B, Al, Fe, Si and Sb, and optionally a very low radioactivity (K40).