期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology
出版社:Seventh Sense Research Group
摘要:In cloud computing, data generated in electronic form are large in amount. To manage this data efficiently, there is an essential of data recovery services. To handle this we propose a smart remote data backup algorithm i.e. Secure Erasure Coding Algorithm. The objective of proposed algorithm is twofold; first it help the users to collect information from any remote location in the absence of network connectivity and second to recover the files in case of the file deletion or if the cloud gets destroyed due to any reason. The time related problems are also being solved by proposed SEC such that it will take minimum time for the recovery process. Proposed SEC also focuses on the security concept for the backup files stored at remote server, without using any of the current encryption techniques. In enhancement approach we will maintain ‘n’ servers where we can split our file into ‘m’ parts, while uploading data by data owner into these clouds each file will split into ‘m’ parts and then after it will place all these files in ‘n’ clouds in such a way that in every cloud we will maintain ‘m1’ broken parts of original file.
关键词:Secure Erasure Code; Central Repository; Remote Repository; Cloud Server; Data Backup; Data Restore