期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology
出版社:Seventh Sense Research Group
摘要:This paper represents the overview of the influence of internet governance in all the transactions, trading, business, social services, educational activities, research etc. occurring through the internet. It is very essential to implement laws and regulations in the field wherever the transaction takes place, either in the form of money, material or services. To avoid any kind of fraud and cheating and to establish a peaceful environment in physical as well as virtual word, it is essential to have some organization which assures safety and security. Here Igovernance is the governing body that tries to take care of all those requirements. This paper gives the quick information about the emergence of the Igovernance, its impacts and two levels of working i.e. at national level and an international level. We can conclude that it is necessary to follow some rules so that other’s privacy is not hampered similarly if rules are broken then the convict must be punished.