期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology
出版社:Seventh Sense Research Group
摘要:The internet as we know it today has transformed itself from the world’s only nuclear strike resistant communications network, into the world’s only true medium of free, uncensored speech. It was thought that the internet would improve and increase global human development through the promotion and easy transmission of ideas and thoughts. However, in these past few years, we have noticed unexpected developments in this field. Various corporate and government entities are trying to monitor, censor and altogether control this once free internet. With entities such as SOPA, PIPA, TPP, Patriot act, Telecommunications act and India’s very own ICMS challenging and threatening the very notion of human freedom, it is important to educate people regarding the very force that is trying to corrupt this publically owned network. In this paper we will be covering the security aspect of Internet domain. As we all know, the internet was invented in The USA by the name of ARPANET, and was originally intended to be used as a nuclear strike resistant network. It consisted of only a handful of nodes, and was not even used to connect computers together at its first inception. The USA has been the pioneer of internet and wireless communications since then, and has held on to all the powers that hold the internet together since then. They own all 14 of the DNS servers throughout the world, without which the internet cannot translate human readable addresses into computer understandable addresses. The USA has shut down many websites that were hosted on the domains of other countries. Thepiratebay and wikileaks are prime examples, and many more are being discussed as we speak. With the reducing cost of technology and easier access, The USA has already implemented a nationwide monitoring system called PRISM, which monitors and records all real and digital movement in the country.
关键词:e-Censorship; Internet Governance; DNS Injection; SOPA etc