摘要:NiO had been claimed to have the potential for application in transparent conducting oxide, electrochromic device for light control, and nonvolatile memory device. However, the detailed study of excitonic transition and light-emission property of NiO has rarely been explored to date. In this work, we demonstrate strong exciton-complex emission of high-quality NiO nanotowers grown by hot-filament metal-oxide vapor deposition with photoluminescence as an evaluation tool. Fine and clear emission features coming from the excitonic edge of the NiO are obviously observed in the photoluminescence spectra. A main excitonic emission of ~3.25 eV at 300 K can be decomposed into free exciton, bound excitons, and donor-acceptor-pair irradiations at lowered temperatures down to 10 K. The band-edge excitonic structure for the NiO nanocrystals has been evaluated and analyzed by transmission and thermoreflectacne measurements herein. All the experimental results demonstrate the cubic NiO thin-film nanotower is an applicable direct-band-gap material appropriate for UV luminescence and transparent-conducting-oxide applications.