期刊名称:Magazin erwachsenenbildung.at : Das Fachmedium für Forschung, Praxis und Diskurs
出版社:Bundesminsterium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur, Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenenbildung
摘要:Can the term governance contribute to a better understanding of the development of Austrian adult education/continuing education policy? How are governance processes related to democratic decision-making? Is the effectiveness of decisions improved by diminishing the democratic basis for the provision of public services? This article attempts to analyse these and other questions. It reflects on misunderstandings and miscommunication surrounding the term governance. The weak theoretical anchoring of educational governance in political science and the great normative nature - in the supporting as well as critical sense - of existing applications of the concept to education are illuminated. An attempt is made to apply the governance concept to the development of Austrian adult education/continuing education and the policy of lifelong learning in particular. The article concludes by discussing to what extent governance approaches have resulted in or could result in further development of adult education/continuing education policy and to what extent they promote economization and the loss of democracy.