摘要:The article presents a historical overview of the development of the traditional economy of the indigenous population of Yakutia during the end of XIX – the 80-ies of XX century. Historical retrospective proposed by the authors traces the socio-economic characteristics of the rural areas of Yakutia over a long period. The development of the major traditional economies of rural Yakutia considered at eventful historical background. Different political and socio-economic factors highlighted: they dictated the trends in cattle breeding and agriculture. It was found that, due to the remoteness from major economic centers, poor transport communications, as well as unfavorable climate in Yakutia formed a special type of rural economy. The authors pay particular attention to the negative impact of collectivization policies on agriculture, aggravated by natural disasters and hardships during the Great Patriotic War. In the study of factors of the agricultural development the authors positively evaluated the experience of scientific support and the implementation of scientific and technological progress for traditional sectors of economy. The analysis of published and unpublished sources convinces in following: despite a series of administrative changes in the centuries-old traditional rural economy Yakutia it proved viable and adaptable to the socio-political challenges of the twentieth century.